Tuesday, September 13, 2005

comparing test scores, discussing projects, burning the midnite oil, gee whiz it feels good to be a geek again.

certified 1:02 AM

Friday, September 09, 2005

a guy sat next to me in the bus yesterday.a fellow muslim brethren.his long flowing beard gave him away.i had the sudden urge to tell him that i do not believe in God anymore.that heaven and hell is just a way to cower society into doing good.that if God was to judge us on judgement day He would have created everyone as equal.it's easier to think about religion when you dunt have to worry about a roof over your head.or where your next meal is going to come from. but then i reminded myself that some people do deserve to go to hell for crimes that society wont trial them for.someone like George Bush.and a mortal's death sentence would be too lenient for them.i smiled to myself at the thought.the guy next to me got up to alight the bus.he looked at me and smiled as if he heard my every thought.

certified 1:53 PM